Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Thank heaven for dirty dishes
They have a tale to tell, 
While other folks go hungry,
We’re eating very well.
With home and health and happiness, 
We shouldn’t want to fuss, 
By this stack of evidence
God’s very good to us.

I printed this little poem for us to look at in the kitchen. I thought this might help us to be more positive instead of go into rages about our horrible landlords when we have to spend all night washing dishes by hand instead of quickly loading the dishwasher. It has been over two years that we have lived in our cute/old little town home and we're ready to have a dishwasher. The owners come over every six months or so to "fix" the dishwasher for us, but truth be told (by them) it is too old to do what dishwashers should, but we're not getting a new one. SOOOO!!!! Instead of ranting and raving like we have for a long long time I came across this little poem and decided to try and be patient about getting into our own beautiful home someday and appreciate that we do have a home of our own for now. I am so grateful that we both have good jobs (mine that i LOVE) and that we are able to be completely happy and self reliant. There are so many families going through such hard times right now and even though we all have our own struggles, including us obviously, we are taken care of by a loving Heavenly Father who loves us and knows what trials we need to help us grow. I am so grateful as this holiday season is coming for the comforting knowledge that I have of our Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness and the blessing he has given me of an eternal marriage. 

My husband, Jeff, is the most amazing man I have ever known! 
I would like to say I am such a lucky girl, but I know it is not just luck that lets me call him mine. 
I love my life, I am so happy that I am surrounded by so many wonderful people who enlighten, challenge, and strengthen me on a daily basis. I could not ask for more in my life!(Besides a dog, baby, and dishwasher ;)  
I hope you can find something that you are grateful for this Thanksgiving season! 


  1. Bobbie - what an inspiring post! I so admire your positive attitude and appreciated the reminder to be more grateful for what I have. Mark your calendar for the third annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party at the start of December, this time at our home here in Mesquite! :)

  2. I had to chuckle while reading your post. When Bruce and I first got married, our apartment didn't have a dishwasher. One day when my parents were visiting us with Jeff and Rikelle, I said that my two dreams were to have a piano and a dishwasher. Jeff said, "That's why I don't want to get old, because I don't want to have boring dreams like that!" I guess that means he is old if he is dreaming of having a dishwasher!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. AMY---
    Jeff laughed really hard when he read that comment! He really did say that, he said in his defense he was like twelve and had no idea. But it really is true how lame it looks to be a grown up! It is just funny how relative it all is! So happy and grateful we have such good examples like you guys to show us that family is always the most rewarding part of being a grown up, and really the only thing that matters!

  5. Emily----
    So excited about your party!! We better start looking, you know how the DI sells out of the best picks so early :) I can't wait to see your new house, I am sure it is absolutely darling! Txt me with details about the party...starting next weekend on we're like jammed almost every weekend! so i really hope we can make it work to come cause we miss you guys!!! :)
